DRaSi Learning Systems

A Defence, Aerospace and Maritime ‘Edutech’ Enterprise
DRaS i has started focussing on imparting curriculums on emerging defence technologies and maritime security at universities and academia under DRaS i Learning Initiative.
‘DRaS i Learning’ is currently conducting elective courses on ‘Defence Technology’ (DT) at B Tech/UG level in Universities. This initiative is in line with the AICTE directives asking universities and colleges to give added impetus to Defence Technology (DT). All the sessions are conducted by retired military officers having vast field experience in a hybrid model (combination of offline and online mode). These retired officers of the armed forces carry a pearl of huge wisdom and experience which they are willing to pass it on to the next generation.
The topics currently focused on are given below

Artificial Intelligence in Military application
Future Conflicts and Technology Warfare
Maritime Technology and Blue Economy
Maritime Industrial Revolution 4.0
Maritime Laws
Military Aircraft and Systems
Ship Power Generation and Propulsion Systems
Shipborne Sensors and Weapons Systems
Military System Integration and Data Networks
C4I (Command Control, Communications, Computers and intelligence)
Under Water Drones/ Underwater Unmanned Vehicles
Onboard Aircraft Avionics Systems
Laser and Hypersonics
Military Drones and Applications
Autonomous Military Platforms and system
Anti-drone Systems
Aero Engines and Controls
Smart Weapons and Ammunitions
Military Laser Systems
Finite Element Analysis (FEA/FEM)
Resource Persons

Commodore Naresh Kumar, VSM (Rtd, IN)

Cdr Sravan Kumar Khuntia (Retd, IN)

Dr Kenneth Sunil Mukherjee

Dr Vijay Sakhuja

Cdr (Dr) Jayakrishnan N Nair (Retd, IN)